Sunday, May 15, 2022

Metaphysical Entropy

Life versus inanimate objects? 

Life is like reverse entropy, Molecules flow towards order and higher energy (albeit, due to consumption of energy). 

In humans, life plus experience equals knowledge, sometimes. Maybe, that is true for all life.

Much knowledge used to be forgotten and lost. Die and most of that thing's knowledge is gone. Some is passed on through education, some through genes, amazingly.

At least, much more of what people know and experience is recorded and digitally stored for who knows how long. AI working on all that data right now.

Learning Python (can be used for some machine learning and deep learning) and other courses. Encouraged to learn by company, so mindlessly learning for free.

Humans like to write and think? A few do? For the majority, it depends? 

Majority of humans don't seem to care? 

Has been like that through the ages, but a few keep trying to make things better and somehow things work out. Why? 

Is it something like reverse entropy due to some energy?