Thursday, September 12, 2019

Space, Time and Energy

Space and Time are related to Gravity. Energy is related to Mass and Life.

Theorists say that in even the smallest unit of space/time, there always is a fluctuation of energy, which reacts to create strings which make up subatomic particles, which make up the world. The fluctuations add up to zero, according to leading theory.

Zero-point energy

If that is so, there doesn't need to be a "big bang" for the universe to exist. The big bang is used to explain the cosmic background radiation.

Photons do not experience time or distance.

Does light experience time?

So, radiation should not experience time or distance.

Science has seen that heavier atoms decay into lighter atoms over time. Protons are theorized to decay into radiation over time, but this have not been proven yet.

But if protons did decay, then all matter will decay into radiation (photons) in the distant future.

All those photons do not experience time or distance.

All the energy from all the matter in the universe that has decayed will be in a state without time or distance. Something like the conditions for the "big bang", but since the photons do not experience distance, there is no space to explode into. So, there is no need for the "cosmic inflation" that says everything expanded at much faster than the speed of light.

So, after a very very long time, everything will become photons, and the conditions for a big bang without cosmic inflation will be fulfilled. I heard a famous British physicist speak about this on Youtube many years ago. It sounds good to me.

Theoretically, black holes emit radiation and eventually disappear.

Stephen Hawking Was Right: Black Holes Can Evaporate, Weird New Study Shows