China has bullied South Korea and other countries on trade by using unfair regulations. China has regulations requiring that Chinese entities own over 50% of foreign subsidiaries operating in China. China has EXREMELY UNFAIR regulations that they use to restrict imports of online games and other products, and gain technological knowledge in return for access to the Chinese market. This is in addition to very lax regulation of copyrights and patents.
I am glad Trump is standing up to China, because no other country would dare due to retaliation. Now, China is stating that they are saving the world from unfair US trade practices? Generous trade practices by the US has contributed to developing many under developed countries into developed ones. South Korea, Japan, and China, just to name a few.
Express: 'We're saving the world from US,' says Beijing as trade war EXPLODES
Sincerely hope that no one believes all this misinformation by China. If news were free in China, we would hear more about all the human rights abuses and aggression against minority groups, especially Muslim and other religious groups.