Some Korean mothers who have children with epilepsy want CBD oil to be legalized in Korea. Hemp seed has CDB, but hemp seeds are legal.
Anyways, a bill was introduced to make it legal a few years ago, but a committee said it was anti-social and killed the bill. They are trying to introduce another one, but are short of signatures.
A singer was indicted for marijuana, a couple of days ago, prosecutors are asking for 5 years imprisonment. Many end up getting suspended sentences, but some do get a year or two in prison.
The government is trying to raise property taxes. I am a property owner and would gladly pay much much more in property tax, just as long as the rich pay theirs. The very rich have tons of real estate and they pay really low property tax. Just a few years ago, they didn't even have to report rental income.
Luckily many more Koreans, nowadays, do not trust media which are controlled by the rich. Still have a long ways to go, but things seem to be moving along much faster now.
More and more Koreans trust newspapers like Hanykoreh, which was started by journalists, many fired for their pursuit of freedom and democracy.