Towards the end of the article, I wondered about life and knowledge. Is knowledge just a byproduct of life? What about self awareness?
It was a long article and showed how much research into the origins of life has progressed since I was in school. From theories supporting that amino acids, RNA, compartmentalization, metabolism, or replication was first to the present day, everything at once theory. They have proved to me that life could have started from clay in a pond of warm water. That sort of changed my world. Slightly less mystic. But I still wonder about logic, knowledge, and self awareness (consciousness).
BBC News: The Secret Of How Life Began On Earth
So, how does one link matter and thought? Matter vs. Energy vs. Life vs. Thought? Thought vs. Knowledge? Time vs. Change? Consciousness vs. Thought?
Is this what they meant by "clouding minds"? I am almost sure that Jesus was trying to teach people metaphysics and it clouded a lot of minds.
So, how does one link matter and thought? Matter vs. Energy vs. Life vs. Thought? Thought vs. Knowledge? Time vs. Change? Consciousness vs. Thought?
Is this what they meant by "clouding minds"? I am almost sure that Jesus was trying to teach people metaphysics and it clouded a lot of minds.