Friday, December 30, 2016

Korea Demonstrations - 10th Week

The cumulative number of demonstrators that have participated in anti-Park demonstrations stands at around 8.9 million. Protest organizers are hoping to break the 10 million mark tonight.

The protests kick off at 7:00 pm with live rock performances by Shin Dae-chul and Chun In-kwon. Tonight's demonstration is titled "Farewell Park, Welcome New Year".

Gwanghwamun Square at 5:00 pm

Gwanghwamun Square at 6:30 pm

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Around 20 Countries Have Or Will Legalize Marijuana

According to CNN, about 20 countries have legalized or looking at legalizing marijuana. Many countries are getting patents, registering trademarks, developing medicine, and other materialistic things with cannabis. Wake up Korea. Losing a lot of money and employment opportunities versus wasting money and lives locking up people.

CNN: The global experiment of marijuana legalization

The United Nations may soon decriminalize medicinal marijuana. The first step is for the World Health Organization’s Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) to reclassify marijuana from a narcotic drug to medicine. The ECDD is conducting pre-reviews of cannabis in order to consider reclassification.

The UN takes it's advice from the ECDD. The United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol is the leading obstacle to worldwide decriminalization. If the UN amends this convention, then all 185 nations that signed it will have to follow and decriminalize medicinal marijuana.

Americans For Safe Access: Major International Victory for Medical Cannabis!

Rockers To Perform Banned Song At Gwanghwamun Demonstration

"Beautiful Rivers and Mountains" written by the late Shin Jung-hyun, the godfather of Korean rock, will be sung by his son tomorrow at the demonstrations tomorrow in Seoul.

His son, Shin Dae-chul, has asked pro-Park demonstrators to stop playing his father's song which was written in protest against the late Military Dictator Park. Park had asked his father to write a song supporting the dictator and refused. Instead, he wrote a song about the beautiful country and it was banned by the government. Several thousand songs were banned during the Park regime. 

The song starts at around 40 seconds. 

Even though it is really cold, it will be New Year's Eve, demonstrations, and live rock music. Sounds like it will be a big crowd tomorrow. 

Good news on the Park scandal, ex-Minister of Health was arrested for pressuring the National Pension Service to vote in favor of the merger. The Special Prosecutor seems to be making progress in getting testimony and evidence to back 3rd party and also direct bribery charges to President Park. It seems that ex-Presidential aide Ahn Jong-bum wrote down everything in his notes, including the President's orders after her meeting with the vice-Chairman of Samsung Lee Jae-young.

It also appears that Choi Soon-sil paid hospital bills, bought clothes and accessories for the President. Park has stated that she paid Choi Soon-sil back, but I doubt that. Someone had to pay the hairdresser, make up artist, injection lady and chi therapy lady. Yes, injection lady. An instant message from a President's aide stating that he was bringing in the injection lady to another aide was found. The injection lady and chi therapy lady visited the President around five times in 2013. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Matter vs. Knowledge?

Matter can be converted to energy which can be converted to life. Life can be converted to knowledge.

Can knowledge be converted by life to energy? One knows how to move muscles. By exerting will and flexing muscles, thought can be converted to energy.

Gonna have to think on this some more.

Basic universal wage. Sounds like a good start. I expect that in the future, everyone will get basic whole foods, necessities and a place to live, in return for studying and exercising. Maybe also jobs like taking care of plants.

What kind of past times will we have? Exploring the world and universe.

The Verge: iPhone manufacturer Foxconn plans to replace almost every human worker with robots

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

President Park Had Cosmetic Surgery Between April 15 and 17, 2014

In addition to the high resolution photographs of President Park's face on April 15, 16 and 21, 2014, the press also found a photograph for April 17. The photograph of the President's face on April 17 also show marks that could be due to cosmetic surgery,

Some doctors say that the marks are due to thread inside the skin. The thread was used for lifting the skin to eliminate wrinkles. The marks are not there on April 15 or 16. The doctors say that the marks are because the end of the thread started to poke through the skin and that the surgery happened a day or two earlier. 

The two Presidential aides who are always at the President's side have yet to testify. When the prosecutors calls on them to testify, they will most likely refuse. 

The Special Prosecutor's Office carried out a search warrant on the residence and offices of Doctor Kim Yong-jae, a Presidential Doctor and plastic surgeon, this morning. 

April 15         April 17           April 21
How did people suspect cosmetic surgery two years ago? They must be psychic.

Probably only the President, the two aides, a doctor, and an assistant knew. Who talked? The doctor? Maybe he bragged about it. Or the assistant. Someone had to assist in the surgery. In this case, maybe the doctor's wife. Did she maybe gossip a little?

Cheapest Place To Buy In Seoul - Lighters

Five lighters for 1,000 Won.

Get on Subway Line 1 or Line 6, and get off at Dongmyo station. Go out Exit 3 and it is the shop right at the corner. The lighters are on a shelf on the outside of the store.

Store outside Exit 3
Side of store
Lighters are on middle shelf, left of the canned beans.

2 pairs of socks for 1,500 Won
Woolen hats for 2,000 Won

Maybe Anti-Matter Moves Backwards In Time?

Does anti-matter move backwards in time? As soon as a anti-proton is created, maybe it disappears leaving only the proton.

Monday, December 26, 2016

President Park Blacklisted Opposition Supporters

There were reports on TV news that prosecutors found a copy of the blacklist on a computer in the Ministry of Health.

According to notes taken by deceased former Presidential Secretary Kim young-hwan, Chief Secretary Kim Ki-choon ordered on October 2, 2014 that leftists in culture and arts must be fought against, and again ordered on January 2, 2015 that there was a need to keep track of left leaning film makers and their connections. 

Former Culture Minister Yoo Jin-ryong has testified that he has seen the blacklist. He stated that about a month before he left the ministry in July 2014, he received a list of a few hundred names from the President's Office. He also stated that before this, the blacklist existed only verbally, with nothing written.

There were rumors that a list with 9473 actors, writers, artists and others in the culture and arts fields, along with their "offenses" which were mainly supporting the opposition or opposing President Park's administration. It also listed if they received any government grants or support. Most listed no government support. 

From a verbal list to a list with over 9473 names. Since 2014, it seems that President Park has censured artists, denied funding, and suppressed anyone opposing her. And this is just the surface. I am sure that it gets much worse.  

A mysterious citizen investigator, famous in Korea for uncovering evidence in previous scandals including Korean Intelligence Agency's illegal involvement in the previous Presidential elections. claimed that a submarine caused the sinking of the Sewol Ferry and uploaded a video with his theory on the sinking to Youtube in Korean.

On radar during the sinking an object can be seen to the right of the ferry. The authorities said this was an image of freight containers that had been swept off the ship. The citizen investigator says that containers could not have made the image, since they are travelling faster than the ocean currents. He also encourages the military to releases their radar images. At the time, the military said that these images were secret and couldn't release them. Now, they say they do not have the images. It could be something, it could be nothing. But this citizen investigator has not been wrong, so far. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

More Arrests Likely Soon In President Park Scandal

The Special Prosecutor's Office announced that they are carrying out search warrants on the offices and residences of Culture Minister Cho Yoon-sun, ex-Chief Presidential Secretary Kim Ki-choon, ex-Minister of Health Moon Hyung-pyo, Presidential Secretary for Health Kim Jin-soo and other locations.

Korea Times: Independent counsel raids home of former top presidential aide 

Yonhap News: Independent counsel raids ex-president aide, minister's homes 

Culture Minister Cho Yoon-sun is said to be to President Park and also alleged to have committed offenses.

Korea Times: Culture minister Cho denies making blacklist

Yonhap News: Park's trusted confidante named new culture minister 

The search warrants on ex-Minister of Health Moon Hyung-pyo, and Presidential Secretary for Health Kim Jin-soo are related to the suspicious Samsung merger.

German Prosecutors Only Tracking $3 Million

Contrary to reports of money laundering of over $600 million, Korean news agencies reported that German prosecutors revealed that they are looking at only around $3 million alleged to have been money laundered by Choi Soon-sil.

This makes sense. Why would someone with $600 million bother with embezzlement of millions of dollar? Then again, why would someone need $3 million? Pretty selfish.

More countries are looking at universal income. Less labor, less mind hours are needed for productivity. Pretty soon, humans will not be too expensive to do labor. Companies need less workers, fewer companies will be needed. The world is changing. All over the world, developed countries are having trouble with job growth.

In the future, there will be no need for us to "work" to eat and have a place to live. Even now, if you change the system, there is no need for people in many countries to "work" in order to eat and live. Do the math, include only necessities.

Having people own land will always create class differences, and so on. In an ideal world, if the land is called a country, then the land would belong to the country and all the citizens. Why change the world? It will change eventually.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

The Secret Of Consciousness

It's been a while since I read up on consciousness. However, I just happened to see an article in Scientific American on the latest theories into consciousness. Not much has happened in consciousness research.

Scientific American: The Mind–Body Problem, Scientific Regress and "Woo"

Friday, December 23, 2016

Korea Demonstrations - 9th Week

Protesters, demanding that President Park resign immediately and also that the Constitutional Court make a quick ruling on the impeachment, are already gathering at Gwang-hwa-mun Square. It's really cold today.

Anti-Park protesters gathering in advance for the best seats in front of the main stage. 

Two blocks down the road, pro-Park protesters demanding the opposite are in full force. Police stated that over 12,000 pro-Park protesters were in attendance. I would estimate around 7,000 to 8,000.

Pro-Park protesters waving Korean flags

The number of pro-Park protesters increased around 4:30. I agree with the police estimate. 

Protest organizers estimate 600,000 participated in Seoul and 100,000 in other cities. They plan to continue the protests until the middle of January 2017. 

Press coverage of the demonstrations:

Korea Protests On X-mas Eve

Crowds demanding that President Park resign immediately continue protesting for the 9th consecutive week. For details of the demonstrations and marches, read The Hankyoreh article: Protests seeking President's resignation continue on Christmas Eve and into the New Year.

The organizing committee's website is in Korean only and is at There you can find all sorts of materials, including pictures of past demonstrations, as on

The following editorial is from the Chosun Daily News on President Park's initial written defense statements submitted at the impeachment hearings. The editor asks if President Park is crazy for sticking to her story that she did not know about any criminal activities of those around her, the sports and culture foundations were set up and funded voluntarily, and that she was working at the Presidential residence during the Sewol Ferry tragedy and that she promptly reacted to the situation. This goes against all the recorded phone conversations, instant messages, written notes and witness testimony. The editorial details the President's defense and how it contradicts the facts based on evidence. 

Chosun Ilbo (Daily News): Has Park Lost Her Grip on Reality?

The Constitutional Court which is hearing the impeachment case against President Park asked her to submit details of her whereabouts and actions on April 16, 2014, the day of the Sewol Ferry tragedy. Everyone has asked, but she has never answered. Now, she has to answer or forfeit. No escape. 

Saenuri Party member, Yi Wan-yong, was is accused of promoting witness perjury was caught on picture with members of a regional association drinking heavily at dinner several years ago. In the picture is the lawyer of Choi Soon-sil and a close associate of Woo Byung-woo. Many members of this association are linked to the Choi Soon-sil scandal. Saenuri Party member Yi Wan-yong has questioned witnesses with a strong prejudice towards questions to help Choi Soon-sil's defense. He denies all allegations, but he is under investigation and I suspect he will be found guilty. It will be hard to find concrete evidence. but I hope they find some. 

    The Secret Of How Life Began On Earth

    As I read the beginning of this article in BBC News, I wondered about Matter = Energy = Life? Since hydrogen matter is converted to energy in the sun, light is converted into energy on Earth, and energy is converted into life.

    Towards the end of the article, I wondered about life and knowledge. Is knowledge just a byproduct of life? What about self awareness?

    It was a long article and showed how much research into the origins of life has progressed since I was in school. From theories supporting that amino acids, RNA, compartmentalization, metabolism, or replication was first to the present day, everything at once theory. They have proved to me that life could have started from clay in a pond of warm water. That sort of changed my world. Slightly less mystic. But I still wonder about logic, knowledge, and self awareness (consciousness).

    BBC News: The Secret Of How Life Began On Earth

    So, how does one link matter and thought? Matter vs. Energy vs. Life vs. Thought? Thought vs. Knowledge? Time vs. Change? Consciousness vs. Thought?

    Is this what they meant by "clouding minds"? I am almost sure that Jesus was trying to teach people metaphysics and it clouded a lot of minds. 

    Thursday, December 22, 2016

    Choi Soon-sil Alleged To Have Over $660 Million In Europe

    German prosecutors have listed Choi Soon-sil and her daughter as major criminals and are investigating their wealth. It is alleged that they have over $660 million stored in 500 companies and bank accounts under false names.

    Korea Times: Probe targets Choi Soon-sil's daughter and hidden $660 million

    How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail

    That's the title of a Scientific American article on cognitive dissonance and how best to handle people who refuse to believe the facts.

    Experiments have shown that people will make up or distort things in order to reduce dissonance, which arises when a person holds two conflicting thoughts. Conflicting thoughts arise when someone lies, is dishonest, and such. If unchecked, it will continue in something like a feedback cycle.

    Sounds like they are talking about President Park supporters. The article explains how lies or falsehoods cause people to justify themselves and lead to a distortion of reality. So, the worst thing to do is to tell pro-Park supporters that they are wrong. It will only cause them to reinforce their false beliefs and make them more radical.

    They have been talking about cognitive dissonance for decades. I thought the best approach was to just observe people with cognitive dissonance from a distance and if you have to deal with them, then try to absorb some of their negativity. The article suggests pretty much the same.

    1. Keep emotions out of it.
    2. Don't attack. Discuss.
    3. Listen carefully and try to fully understand the person's perspective.
    4. Show respect.
    5. Show that you understand why the person might have that opinion.
    6. Try to show the person the facts and that the facts do not really change that person's view of the world.

    Scientific American: How to Convince Someone When Facts Fail

    Wednesday, December 21, 2016

    Noose Is Tightening On President Park And Samsung

    The Special Independent Prosecutor's Office investigating the Choi Soon-sil scandal keeps leaking details of its investigations. They seem to be asking President Park to resign or they will slowly reveal all that they know. They have told us about portions of telephone conversations and the ex-Presidential Secretary Ahn Jong-bom's notebooks. In the notes, there were memos on orders from the President in relation to the Samsung's merger.

    Now, they have released the details of their investigation into influence peddling in the Samsung companies merger. They say that this is only one step in the process of transferring control of Samsung to vice-chairman Lee Jae-yong and explained how he might have committed perjury during the recent National Assembly Investigative Hearings in the Choi Soon-sil scandals.

    Read all about it in the Hankyoreh News article: Samsung’s Lee Jae-yong may have perjured at National Assembly hearing

    The Joongang Daily News investigated further into the contract between Samsung and the German sports company owned by Choi Soon-sil. Over $800,000 from Samsung was used to pay for Choi's personal expenses for seven months in Germany. For more details, go to Joongang Daily News: Samsung signed suspicious deal with Choi

    The Special Prosecutor is also looking into President Park's financial association with the family of Choi Soon-sil over the forty years that they have know each other. A stepson of Choi Tae-min (Choi Soon-sil's father) stated,  shortly before he died, that a truckload of money and bonds were transported out of the Presidential residence on the night Park Chung-hee was assassinated. Before this, the Choi family were poor. Right after, the daughters started buying buildings in southern Seoul.

    Forty years of leaving behind evidence, almost got caught many times, but always managed to get off. The times have definitely changed in Korea. These people are going to be caught and jailed, even if they know or are the President. We still have plenty of bad, or put more kindly, misled people, but the tide is turning. It should have continued from President's Kim Dae-jung and Noh Moo-hyun, but it got backtracked.

    Former President Noh did not embargo, or force the press to publish things. He did not influence prosecutors, or police. He did not appoint his own director to the intelligence agency, but promoted from within. He installed a computer system, so that no one could erase Presidential records and other things. He never met anyone one-on-one in meetings and always had witnesses in attendance. He wanted transparency and freedom. I think that is why most of the rich and powerful, especially the ruling Saenuri party and President Park hate him and always try to discredit him. I get a lot of flak for saying that.

    Tuesday, December 20, 2016

    More Proof Of Bribery In President Park Scandal

    The media reported that they had found documents recording expenses incurred in Germany by Chung Yu-ra and Choi Soon-sil. These documents show that they spent over $800,000 on personal items and expenses, such as pet supplies, diapers, ironing board and so on. Once source close to Choi Soon-sil claims these documents were supposed to be submitted to Samsung as proof of expenses incurred via a sports company owned by Choi Soon-sil in Germany under a consulting contract with Samsung.

    Joongang Daily News: Choi’s Germany trip was on Samsung

    The Special Independent Prosecutor is carrying out search warrants at the National Pension System, the Ministry in charge of overseeing pensions, and ten other locations. I think they are trying to find evidence of outside pressure in the decision to approve the Samsung merger.

    Korea Herald: Special prosecutors raid state-run pension service

    Korea Times: Independent prosecutor team raids pension service

    To prove the bribery charges, the prosecutors need to find evidence linking the Samsung merger approval by the National Pension System and the money that Choi Soon-sil spent. Then they can charge the President with bribery.

    The Hankyoreh: Targeting Park’s bribery and Samsung

    The Special Independent Prosecutor managed to find the personal secretary of Choi Soon-sil. This personal secretary visited Ewha University many times and testified that she gave six packages to Ewha representatives.

    If the President and her aides were busy doing their thing, what about everyone else?

    Well, one Presidential aide went off on his own and managed to get over $5,000,000 from a Pusan property developer. Both are now in jail awaiting trial. I think we will find out about the others in the future, once things settle down.

    A producer for MBC TV revealed that he was pressured by his General Manager to hire and pay a higher than average wage to the actor son of Chung Yoon-hae (ex-husband of Choi Soon-sil). There had been rumors and allegations, but this is the first witness.

    So far, all the evidence continues to confirm all the allegations and point to even more corruption.

    President Park Had Cosmetic Surgery Between April 16 and 20, 2014

    The media gathered up all their high resolution pictures of President Park and found that she had undergone regular cosmetic surgery for years.

    They found pictures of the President on April 15, 2014 which showed no marks on her cheeks. However, in pictures on April 21, 2014, there was punctures and bruising on the bottom of her left cheek. Doctors say that it looked like the President had filler or some type of treatment a few days before.

    President Park's face on April 21, 2014

    During testimony in front of the Parliament, all of the President's doctors denied having performed cosmetic surgery or treatments, including the doctor who runs the plastic surgery clinic.

    Whether the President had cosmetic treatments on the day of the ferry sinking or after, people feel that this was extremely inappropriate. The whole nation was watching as students suffocated and drowned over several days, stuck inside the ferry. How could President Park even think about her looks? Heartless.

    Sunday, December 18, 2016

    Witness Forecasted Ruling Party Member's Questions Days In Advance

    Ko Yong-Tae, an ex-employee of Choi Soon-sil, forecasted to reporters that Lee Man-hee, a ruling party parliamentarian, would ask Park Hon-yong, employee of Choi Soon-sil, certain questions and that Park Hon-yong would answer in a certain way.

    Yesterday, the forecast came true. The questions and answers were aimed at discrediting testimony regarding the incriminating tablet PC with all the evidence.

    Lee Man-hee said that two people came to him with questions, so he asked the questions. When it was pointed out that Lee also met a close associate of Choi Soon-sil, Lee admitted that he did, but stated that he did not collude to discredit testimony surrounding the tablet PC.

    There is growing evidence that Choi Soon-sil was also active in ruling party politics and has influence over many of them.

    Korea Times: 'Testimony conspiracy' causing stir 
    Donga Ilbo: Those who lied about Choi Soon-sil’s tablet PC 

    Another Parliamentarian Yi Wan-yong, also of the ruling Saenuri Party, is accused of asking a witness to commit perjury and lie about the tablet PC.

    Joongang Daily: Rep. Yi accused of telling witness to lie 

    These people must be desperate. Desperate enough to ask people to perjure. Sounds guilty to me.

    Many people have wondered why former President Lee Myung-bak was never really investigated over corruption during his term in office. His administration was the one that lowered corporate taxes, and spent billions on needless water projects where all the construction companies conspired on bidding and stole billions of dollars. As I stated before, President Park pardoned these companies. The ruling party and the rich have done stuff like this ever since Park Chung-hee's time. Talk about tradition.

    Why don't Koreans do anything about it? We tried, but too many of us believe what we see on TV and read in the news, which used to be controlled by you know who. Nowadays, it seems there are many factions fighting to publish their side of the news, with the Presidential office ordering the media to spread propaganda and misleading leaks.

    On MBN TV News, they stated evidence showing former President Lee had people spied on and investigated by Korean intelligence to dig up dirt. He also had the tax office go after people and organizations.

    Many people have previously suggested that ex-President Lee has enough damaging evidence on President Park to prevent any investigation. It is probably evidence of mass embezzlement at the Yookyung Foundation and Youngnam University, along with other dirty deeds.

    Saturday, December 17, 2016

    Talk About Putting Your Foot In Your Mouth! Irony!

    Due to legislation initiated by two ruling party members will be instrumental in convicting and impeaching President Park.

    One allows emails and other electronically transmitted data to be used as evidence. Before, we could not use emails. It just went into effect in May of this year and pro-Park fanatic Kim Jin-tae was the one who authored the bill. Without this legislation, the tablet PC that contains the incriminating electronic files could not be used as evidence in a court of law. Kim Jin-tae wanted this legislation because the prosecution couldn't use emails as evidence in prosecuting an alleged spy, or something, if I remember correctly.

    Another was authored by President Park's longtime legal advisor and ex-Presidential Chief Secretary Kim Ki-chun. He tried to impeach President Noh Moo-hyun. When the Constitutional Court ruled against impeachment, he authored a bill that makes justices write their opinions individually, rather than just the majority ruling. This is very good. Now, we know exactly how the justices voted and their reasons. Less room for funny business.

    Yesterday, Kim Ki-chun was forbidden to leave the country. He also perjured himself by swearing he did not know Choi Soon-sil. When video evidence of him sitting at a hearing investigating claims of Choi Soon-sil's involvement with Park Keun-hye in 2007 (she was running for ruling party leader) proved that he knew about Choi Soon-sil, he changed his testimony. He said that he knew about Choi Soon-sil, but forgot due to old age. He also added that he only knew about her, and that he did not know her personally.

    Along with Kim Ki-chun, Samsung Vice-chairman Lee Jae-young, SK Chairman Choi -Tae-won, and Lotte Chairman Shin Dong-bin were also forbidden to leave the country.

    Korea Times: Samsung vice chairman banned from overseas travel 

    The media estimates that 10 witnesses to the Parliamentary investigation into the Choi Soon-sil scandal have perjured themselves. Perjury in front of Parliamentary investigations was rarely punished before, but now they will be imprisoned for 1-10 years. For them, it is better to lie than admit the truth, since the truth carries such a large penalty. Another year or two added to their sentences is better than to admit everything on national TV.

    There was a 60 Minutes type of show on the SBS TV channel about murders and deaths surrounding the Yookyung Foundation which was set up by Dictator Park Chung-hee. President Park and her siblings ran this foundation during the times when all the income vanished and only debts remained. It appears two or three people were murdered in order to silence them and prevent them from testifying against associates of the Park family. Wonder how this one will turn out.

    All the skeletons are coming out of the closet now.

    Movies on blacklisted topics will be coming out next year. Movies about the Sewol ferry tragedy, meddling in the last Presidential elections by Korean intelligence and the Military Cyber Command, and illegal slush funds gathered during the Lee Myung-bak administration. These three movies were backed by crowd funding, I think.

    The Hankyoreh: Exploring S. Korea’s darker episodes 

    136 Propofol Injections For Plastic Surgery?

    Parliament members investigating the Choi Soon-sil scandal visited a clinic belonging to one of the Presidential doctors suspected of improprieties. They found that over three years, Choi Soon-sil received 136 injections for plastic surgery at Kim Yongjae Plastic Surgery Clinic and paid over $80,000 in cash. She was also registered under a false name which is also illegal.

    Doctors say that no one could receive that much surgery over 3 years. It was either to just get Propofol injections or several people used the same false name.

    Presidential Doctor Kim Yongjae was suspected of doing plastic surgery on President Park on April 16, 2014, the day the ferry sank. He gave his alibi as playing golf on that Wednesday, stating that he had Wednesday's off. When the media pressed him on this, he submitted toll gate receipts. When it was found in the records that he had used Propofol on that day, the doctor changed his story and stated that he had done surgery on the morning at 9 am on his mother-in-law, and then went golfing.

    The Parliament members looked at the records and found strong evidence of a forged signature on the record of that supposed surgery.

    The signature is different than from other days. Also the nurses say that the mother-in-law usually visited at 11 am. or 2 pm. In addition, the toll gate ticket amount is the amount charged these days. The amount was lower in 2014. 

    This doesn't prove anything, but it sure looks suspicious. It would seem to point to at least a Propofol injection and maybe also plastic surgery, such as a Botox shot. Especially since the President asked for medical mouthwash, the kind you use when you can't brush your teeth. 

    This is the doctor who might have had a consulting company harassed by the tax authorities for close to 6 months without warrant.   

    Choi Soon-sil is suspected of visiting other doctors for prescriptions. Also the President's clinic ordered all those Propofol, Viagra and other goodies.  And these people are the leaders of the conservatives locking up marijuana users in Korea. 

    The media analyzed Choi Soon-sil's and President Park's speech patterns and found that they spoke alike and used the same words. They used a lot of pronouns and incomplete sentences. In my opinion, people who write a lot speak more logically and clearly. Choi and Park are not writers. Their speech and vocabulary are more suited for gossip and chatting, than for expressing opinions and perspectives on complex issues.  

    Week 8 - Demonstrations Demanding President Park Step Down

    The main rally will start at 5 pm., but most people are expected to come around 8 pm.

    The police keep overestimating pro-Park demonstrators and underestimating anti-Park demonstrators. They say that there were 10,000 anti-Park demonstrators and 30,000 anti-Park demonstrators.

    I saw some pro-Park demonstrators and there were only a couple of thousand. If you look at the picture below, there are pro-Park protesters walking. The demonstrators in the far background are anti-Park, and there is a line of policemen on the right to protect them (wearing yellow sashes).

    In this next picture, you can see there are a lot more than 30,000 anti-Park demonstrators.

    According to YTN News, the pro-Park demonstrators finished at 5:10 pm and were headed to their buses. The news commentator also added that they were transported in 170 buses from around Korea by conservative organizations.

    Gwanghwamun (that is how they are spelling it these days) at 6:00 pm. It looks like crowds will be like last week and peak at around 9 pm. It's really cold, but I should attend...

    They write Gwanghwamun in 3 Chinese characters, Gwang, Hwa, and Mun. I think Gwang means bright or light, Wha means to make or become and Mun is door or gate (Gate of Enlightenment). They should separate the names into the characters they use, so foreigner can begin to understand that Mun means door or gate. San means mountain. Cheon means stream and so on. Stop confusing them. :)

    Koreans, Japanese, Taiwanese, and Chinese use the same Chinese characters for the same meanings. They are pronounced a little differently in each country.

    Gwang-hwa-mun at 6:30 pm.

    For all the details and great pictures, please read the article in The Hankyoreh News
    770,000 candles still burning 

    Friday, December 16, 2016

    What Do Park Keun-hye, Park Chung-hee and J. Edgar Hoover Have In Common?

    Could it be they were alleged to spy on everyone to obtain dirt on them?

    Always wondered how a lot of people who opposed the Park administration ended up in jail, were discredited, were fired, underwent tax investigations, and encountered other unfortunate incidents. I suspected illegal wiretaps and worse. 

    During the independent parliamentary investigation into President Park's scandals, at least two people testified that they strongly believed that their phones were tapped.  

    In addition, the courts have made decisions that were very suspicious. How could they disband an opposition political party? How could they lock up people on hearsay evidence? Yet, for the ruling party members, they get off on technicalities. Opposition members are tried promptly. Ruling party members are tried over several years in order for the publicity to die off, and then found not guilty. 

    Now, there are allegations that almost all high level judges and prosecutors were spied on. I strongly believe these allegations and have waited for years for someone to prove them. 

    A newspaper editor was fired in order to prevent him from publishing more articles on Chung Yoon-hae (ex-husband of Choi Soon-sil), who was accused of abuse of power and other things. The whistle blowers in this scandal were charged with crimes, and the accusations of power abuse were ruled to be false. Now, it appears that all the accusations were true and the prosecutors failed miserably at their jobs, even assisted in the cover up, willingly or unwillingly. 

    The Parliamentary investigations have gone on for days. Yesterday, two Presidential aides were scheduled to appear, but didn't show up. Supposedly, they both submitted leave applications that morning and wrote exactly the same reasons. They are always next to the President, so they know what President Park was doing on April 16, 2014 while the ferry was sinking, and her relationship with Choi Soon-sil. 

    We already know that she was awake at 10:30 am, got mouthwash from the clinic, had lunch, did her hair and makeup, and went to the emergency crisis center at 5 pm. What does she have to hide? Why is she blocking people from testifying and blocking investigators from seeing the visitors log and CCTV footage stating national security reasons? If they reveal what happened, the nation will become insecure? They are protecting the nation by hiding the truth?

    Must be guilty of something. Or else, why hide and cover up?

    Another note. A company that wrote a negative evaluation of a company owned by a Presidential doctor underwent a tax investigation. That same day, the owner's father's company and grandfather's company were also raided by the tax office. The tax investigation went on for 6 months or so and nothing illegal was found.

    President Park's administration seems to have operated through terror tactics and use of police and prosecutors for enforcement. I was too scared to write anything before, but now, everyone is writing.

    The big business conglomerates say they had give money, because they feared the Park administration. That is true. But it is also true that the big conglomerates are also bullies and have done illegal things before, such as price fixing in bids for government projects, for which President Park issued pardons. The implicated corporations were barred from bidding on government projects. One chairman was found guilty of taking a gang of thugs and beating up a waiter who hit the chairman's son. I think he was also pardoned. Then there is the Samsung vice-chairman, famous in Korea for evading inheritance taxes and other illegalities. These conglomerates receive millions in benefits (tax relief, grants, aid, regulations, etc.) and corrupt government officials receive millions in return. A Samsung lawyer revealed years ago that Samsung gave gifts to almost prosecutors and judges, and that only a few refused the gifts. Samsung was found not guilty.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    Emotion + Knowledge = Intuition?

    Experience + Logic = Knowledge?
    Knowledge + Emotion = Intuition?
    Information + Change = Time?

    This might take a while...

    Saturday, December 10, 2016

    Korea Demonstrations - 7th Week

    Crowds were thinner than last week and I could actually make it to the main stage. Still, there were over 800,000 people in the freezing cold demanding that President Park step down immediately. Many feel that it will take several months for the courts to make a final ruling on the impeachment. They want her out now.

    Although news media report the protests as festive, the mood is actually very serious and there is an undercurrent of serious discontent, even though there is some music and other entertainment. 

    In the intervals, people go on stage and talk about injustices committed under President Park. From jailing union leaders to killing a farmer by blasting him with full force using a water cannon. No warning., Just blasted him. He ended up in the hospital for a year and died. The doctor wrote heart attack on the death certificate. Many suspect that this was to absolve the police of responsibility in the death. The hospital is also suspected of receiving favors from the Park administration and other funny business. 

    Yoon Min-seok's song "This is no f***ing nation" performed in front of over 800,000 at around 9 pm on December 10, 2016 in freezing weather. 

    Roughly translated - 

    Steo down. Step down.
    This is no country. It's a robbers' den for Keun-hye, Soon-sil, and Myung-bak. 
    It's heaven for criminals and hell for common citizens.
    We can't take any more. 
    Steo down. Step down.
    Make Park Keun-hye step down, right now. 
    Imprison her. Imprison her. 
    Lock Park Keun-hye up.
    On April 14, 2014, what were you doing for 7 hours, Park Keun hye? 
    For the children who died so tragically, we will get revenge. 
    (and so on..)

    Practicing chants at 8:30 pm just before the main show.

    Another video of Yoon Min-seok's song "This is no f***ing nation" performed at a previous protest on November 13, 2016.

    Thursday, December 8, 2016

    Ex-Chef Spills The Beans On President Park

    An ex-Presidential chef is probably going to get into trouble with the law for speaking about his experiences in the Presidential compound.  However, after listening to all the lies being told by the Presidential Office and others involved in President Park's scandals, the chef decided to speak to Channel A News.

    Ex-Chief Secretary Kim Ki-chun, Presidential Secret Security officers, and other government officials have denied knowing Choi Soon-sil. The ex-chef says that everyone in the Presidential compound knew about Choi Soon-sil. She came in accompanied by a Presidential aide through a separate entrance and treated like VIP. She came in on Sundays, often headed meetings with three Presidential aides (now under arrest), and ate meals there.

    He also confirmed a longstanding rumor that President Park hated to be woken up. He said that no one was allowed to report to the President until after a certain time in the morning. No matter what.

    The ex-chef said that when the President did not have any official engagements, President Park spent most of her time watching TV in her residence. Even on weekdays, during work hours.

    Now that the ex-chef has spoken and seems willing to testify, I am sure there are other lower level working class in the Presidential compound who would be willing to testify, if granted immunity from prosecution for exposing classified information about the President.

    The National Assembly is expected to pass the motion to impeach President Park this afternoon.

    The ex-chef's revelations just proved the President Park's primary interest was not in working for the nation. I strongly feel that her interests were avoiding work, watching TV, eating, wearing tailored clothes, having her hair and makeup done, commie bashing, and pretending her family contributed to Korea's development.

    She left the work of of setting policy and finding capable appointees to Choi Soon-sil.

    Is Knowledge Life?

    Knowledge is gained through experience, so knowledge coexists with life. Is knowledge life?

    If so, then we live forever. If not, then do we exist forever, after we die?

    President Park Was Doing Her Hair While The Ferry Sank

    After trying for over two and a half years to find out what President Park was doing on the day the Sewol Ferry sank, the media discovered what she was doing for a couple of hours, at least.

    She was having her hair and makeup done just before the meeting in the late afternoon with the emergency committee overseeing the rescue efforts.

    The Hankyreh: As the Sewol ferry sank, Pres. Park was having her hair done 

    According to reports, the hairdresser and makeup artist go to the Presidential residences at 9:00 am on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. My guess is that President Park only works formally on those days and rests mostly on Wednesdays and weekends.

    During the day of the sinking, which was a Wednesday, she was probably sleeping. Could she have been sleeping late and woke up around noon? Then decided to have her hair done before going to the emergency center. Her hair was deliberately slightly messed up according to the hairdresser, in order to make her look not so made up.  

    Nothing earth shattering, but it does show a President seriously out of touch with reality. 

    Choi Soon-sil helped her find cabinet appointees and run the country. What was the President doing? My guess is watching TV and movies. The Presidential Office had always been very sensitive to negative news, media, movies and other material about the President.

    Sunday, December 4, 2016

    2,400 Year Old Bongs With Cannabis Residue Found

    Confirming Herodotus's accounts of cannabis use in ancient times, tests on 2,400 year old gold relics revealed cannabis and opium residue. 

    Herodotus is considered to be the father of "History" and recorded rituals involving the use of plants which produced strange smoke by the Scythians. 

    Seven pounds of gold artifacts were discovered in a Scythian burial mound in southern Russia, including two bucket-shaped vessels, three gold cups, a heavy finger ring, two neck rings, and a gold bracelet. The residue on the vessels revealed traces of cannabis and opium, proving that the Scythians did indeed use these drugs.

    National Geographic: Gold Artifacts Tell Tale of Drug-Fueled Rituals

    President Park and Sewol Ferry Tragedy

    The Sewol Ferry tragedy, where almost 300 students died over several days trapped inside the capsized ferry, is still riddled with questions. Although, the ferry was found to lack sufficient ballast and top heavy with too much freight, there is much controversy surrounding the rescue efforts. After the tragedy, the Presidential Office said that it was not the control tower for these types of accidents. But on the afternoon of the tragedy, President Park visited the emergency command station and made orders. The tragedy happened at 9;30 am.

    The families of the deceased are probably the ones most informed and they have asked for over two and a half years on the whereabouts of President Park on that morning. They have never received a reply stating that the President's whereabouts are state secrets. Then last week, they said that the President was in her private residence on the Presidential compound, performing duties. Everyone asked, if that's all, why all the silence for over 2 and a half years?

    Previously, when asked about the President having cosmetic surgery on the day of the tragedy, the President's Office said that no nurses were on duty and no doctors came that day.

    Recently, two military nurses were found to be on duty on that day. The media tracked them down and interviewed them. The nurses state they were at the medical facility inside the Presidential compound, but they did not see the President that day, and that the President did not have cosmetic surgery that day.

    How do they know? They did not see her. They were in a separate building away from the President's residences. Why did they add that part? Both of them in separate interviews.

    Now, the press has found out that there were two more nurses on duty. In addition, they allege that two military doctors in charge at the time had been promoted in unusual circumstances. Then there is the plastic surgeon who received favors from the President. Although the President swears that her friend had given the favors by misleading her.

    Stranger than any fiction story. Stay tuned...

    Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes

    Black holes are sucking in matter, dark energy is expanding space. There should be some relation. Are there things that can escape gravity?

    There are things with no mass. How are they sucked in by black holes? How does dark matter fit in?

    Black stars. Instead of black holes, they are black stars. Maybe, they shoot out space. Start of a good story.

    Those are physical parts of the world. Let's delve into the metaphysical.

    Saturday, December 3, 2016

    World Record For Peaceful Demonstration In Seoul?

    Could it be a world record for the largest ever peaceful demonstrations? Most likely.

    Over 2.3 million protested throughout Korea, over 1.8 million in Seoul, demanding that President Park step down. Most are pissed that she had the audacity to lie to them on national TV. Not once, but thrice, pretending to apologize to the country.

    Hankyoreh: Torches blaze as 2.32 million call for Pres. Park’s resignation (Great pics)

    Korea Times: More than 2 million take to streets  (Great pics)

    Korea Herald: Record 2.3 million attend anti-Park rally  (Great pics)

    Trying to look at the bright side.

    Grew up watching Johnny Carson and David Letterman. Now, I smile when I watch Dave Chappelle and Jimmy Fallon.

    Good to smile, once in a while. Listening to a lot of good music also helps. 

    Seoul Anti-Park Protests - 6th Week

    The protest organizers announced at 7:30 pm that over 1.5 million people had attended the demonstrations in Seoul demanding President Park step down immediately. Another 400,000 demonstrated in other cities around Korea.

    As of 9:00 pm, over 2.12 million have participated in demonstrations all over Korea.

    Thursday, December 1, 2016

    40% Income Tax On Over $450,000

    In return for passing next year's government budget, the opposition parties succeeded in increasing income tax to 40% on those making over 500 million won a year, which is about $450,000. They also managed to squeeze in 8.6 billion won (about $800 million) for pre-school education.

    On the impeachment front, the ruling party says they will agree to the President stepping down in April 2017 with presidential elections in June 2017. If the President doesn't consent by Dec. 9, the ruling party moderates will vote for impeachment.

    The media is playing up the new sanctions against North Korea as some really big thing.

    Chosun Ilbo:  Too Many Self-Employed, a Drain on Korea's Economy

    There are very few jobs in Korea and we have a lot of foreign workers too. 

    Why Are President Park's People Taking Xanax?

    The presidential spokesman said that 836 Xanax and other pills were for jet lag and were given to presidential staff.

    Are Korean presidential doctors ignorant of the existence of modafinil? They are doctors. Of course, they know about modafinil. Then what were the pills for? Many point out that since so many were prescribed and used, someone could have been addicted.

    Most media are not reporting much on this issue. They must believe the presidential spokesman.