Monday, October 24, 2016

End of the Park Administration?

While Korean prosecutors debated about the legalities of obtaining search warrants for Madam Soon-sil Choi's properties and businesses, alleged confidant of President Park, the media took it upon themselves to dig through the "trash" and came up with a computer that belonged to Madam Choi's daughter Yu-ra Choi, alleged beneficary of favors in entering Ewha University and getting a B while not attending classes and submitting substandard homework. (

The computer's hard drive confirmed that Madam Choi's bragging about correcting presidential speeches as true. There were copies of presidential speeches that were received by email before the speeches were given.

While the prosecutors debated, two of the main consipirators fled Korea to Germany and China, and the others have gone into hiding. (

There is also gathering evidence that implicates Madam Choi as being behind the formation of 2 sports foundations and gathering of "donations" from major corporations. It appears that Madam Choi had set up companies to embezzle these funds. It is rumored that these donations were for President Park's life after office, a claim which she indirectly denied yesterday by saying she had no desire to live a flamboyant lifestyle. 

Even the members of her own ruling party are calling for an investigation. It seems that she has made enemies of even her own allies along the way.

Read all about it. It will come out in the news in the coming hours. Even the media has turned on her now.