Saturday, December 30, 2006


The answer to the riddle, "Aiming for Everything?"

If all you aim for is good and all you do is good, theoretically you should get everything you want, if everything you want is good. Let's assume the closer to the pure meaning of good, the more accurate this formula is.

Googlical range is from good-nothing to good-everything to everything-nothing.
For example, good-nothing to good-power to power-nothing.
Or, good-nothing to good-money to money-nothing.

The further you go away from good-nothing, the further away you get from your belief in God. Further away means the distance you have to jump back in thought to your belief in God. That was the particle characteristic. Further away means the more out of sync you are with your belief in God. That was the wave characteristic.

If you want power, you have to do a lot of things depending on the power you want. The more you want, the further you will go from good-nothing. Let's assume that this will cause one to require more time to fully regain one's belief in God. Because you are further away, it takes longer to go back to good-nothing.

Then according to this theory, the less you want other things, the more you will believe in God. Or, if you only want good and nothing else, the more you will believe in God. The purer you will be, etc. Yes, I think that's how it works.