Monday, August 21, 2023

Why Vote For People Who Incite Anger Or Hate?

Doesn't that make people feel angry and hateful?

Should people be made to feel peaceful and friendly?

Why let some hateful person turn you into one and spend precious time hating things?

Cognitive dissonance?

Monday, July 31, 2023

People Seem To See Demons?

To me, many seem to see demons, or figments of their imagination tempered by conscience, in basic facts or events. Some seem to be offended, against, or otherwise negatively impacted by things.

Depression? Negative personality? 

Initiated by cognitive dissonance?

No wonder people have trouble sleeping, or being alone in a room with nothing electric turned on for long periods of time.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Korean Punitive Property Tax Increase Kicks In

The rich are screaming highway robbery.

They passed a comprehensive property tax because of skyrocketing property prices and told the rich to sell off some or most of their property if they did not want to pay.

The rich didn't sell and now they are paying through the nose and screaming bloody murder.

Just chill and enjoy life, you rich can afford to pay and still have plenty left.

Call it communism, leftist. In a democracy, the majority rules and if the majority are poor. Well...naturally.

Consciousness Works Best When Calm?

Almost all of my wealthy friends are very active and full of cognitive dissonance, it appears.

Wonder why!

If I earned a few million dollars and had to pay 40% as tax, I'd be fine with it. 

But some people spend most of their time ranting and raving about it, when they should probably be enjoying life.

I wonder why the rich are friendly towards me. They usually look down upon the middle class, are really picky about things, like to be recognized as smart or good, and so on.

Having a good job seems to help with being satisfied. After a long week of work, I'm glad just to sit and rest.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Consciousness or Life, Which Came First?

Did cells, neurons, and other biological processes create consciousness?

Did consciousness create cells...?

Can answer be found, or is it one of those unsolvable things?

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Perception, Logic?

Are perception and logic forces, like energy, or something different?

Energy/Matter + Something = Life (perceives and interacts intelligently with environment)?

Energy/Matter/Life = Universe?

Circled back to the beginning of my thoughts, again. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Energy Fused In Blackhole Produces?

When matter is fused in a sun, some is transformed into another state (proton-proton chain, hydrogen to helium, etc.) and some is transformed into energy.

Light (energy) is unable to escape from a blackhole. So, energy is fused in a blackhole and is likely to be transformed into a another state and some into another type of energy or some 'thing'.

Some now say that it is dark energy, or expansion of space itself. I, and probably many others, also thought so a couple of decades ago due to the lack of other possible explanations.