Sunday, June 11, 2023

Perception, Logic?

Are perception and logic forces, like energy, or something different?

Energy/Matter + Something = Life (perceives and interacts intelligently with environment)?

Energy/Matter/Life = Universe?

Circled back to the beginning of my thoughts, again. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Energy Fused In Blackhole Produces?

When matter is fused in a sun, some is transformed into another state (proton-proton chain, hydrogen to helium, etc.) and some is transformed into energy.

Light (energy) is unable to escape from a blackhole. So, energy is fused in a blackhole and is likely to be transformed into a another state and some into another type of energy or some 'thing'.

Some now say that it is dark energy, or expansion of space itself. I, and probably many others, also thought so a couple of decades ago due to the lack of other possible explanations.

Monday, April 17, 2023

When People In Anger Act Badly Towards You

Angry people don't usually realize they are acting badly towards you?

Confront them, or say "Something bad must have happened to you today?"

The latter seems to help make them realize that they are acting badly.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Created or Always Existed?

Creation or Existence?

Was the universe, or multi-dimensional existence, created from nothing, or did it always exist?

Theorists say that energy is always conserved and cannot be created from nothing, and yet, big bang theorists say that is how it was.

Something from nothing? Magic?

So, were you created or did you always exist? Some would say you were created by your parents, but how did life come into being? Did it always exist in some dimensions?

Thought is the new wealth. The 'coin' of the future. Who rules thought? You, or some combination of factors - will, bodily functions, instincts, unconscious self, environment, genes, and others?

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Seoul Mayor Like A Kid

Seoul Mayor Oh constructed lots of things during his last term as mayor - floating restaurants and facilities on the Han River, light shows on bridges, and the like.

Now, in his second term, he is building a ferris wheel and a gondola ride over the Han River. 

Wants to turn Seoul into an amusement park, it seems.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Light, Time, Space?

Light does not experience time or distance, according to modern theory. Yet, we see and feel it in our world of time and space. It has both particle and wave characteristics.

So, some day, some one will posit that light exists in physical dimensions and also in a non-physical or non-local dimension or dimensions. 

As I stated before in this blog. 

It is about time that scientists addressed this issue.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Euthanasia Should Be Legalized?

Medically supervised euthanasia or suicide by poisoning, guns, hanging, and other unpleasant means?

If euthanasia is legalized, then people with problems that can be resolved can be helped (poverty, depression, etc.). Only those with 'logical' reasons to end their life will be approved.