Sunday, January 23, 2022

Spacetime May Emerge From Something More Fundamental

According to an article in Scientific American: What Is Spacetime Really Made Of?

It could emerge from "entanglement", says the article. I agree that spacetime is an emergent phenomena.

Light, theoretically, doesn't experience "space" or "time". Spacetime seems to emerge from light, in my thinking, in the transitional phase between light and matter. I think I read something to that effect a couple of decades ago.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

If Rich People Did Not Hoard Their Wealth, Then No Problem?

 Good starting point.

If the rich lent all their money to the poor, then there would be fewer problems?

Maybe, the money could be used to start non-profits that would pay good wages and educate the poor?

The rich would still "own" the money lent and non-profits but would make less return on their money.

Just thinking...

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Inflation Decreases Wealth of The Rich More Than The Poor

In terms of wealth amounts. 

On the other hand, inflation affects the poor due to higher prices for necessities, health and such.

A decade of high inflation should erase most of the wealth held by the rich?

How to protect the poor during inflation? 

Might be good to think about further.

With automation and AI, these things will probably be resolved in 50 or so years, maybe.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Wealth Tax For Those Paying Little Taxes?

A progressive tax for people with over $50m in assets and, let's say, paying under $100,000 a year in income tax? Same for corporations that somehow avoid paying much in taxes.

Maybe starting at 0.1% annually for over $50 million and under $100 million, 0.2% for over $200m, 1.0% of $1 billion, up to a maximum 10% for over $10 billion. Maybe, a little break for those leaving their riches to charity and such.

That money is being hoarded and put into funds, equity, real estate, art, jewelry, cars, and such. Give it to the poor to spend on necessities, health, education? Much more productive?

Use the proceeds to help fund universal basic income?

Korean presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung proposes to start giving $250 a year with the aim of establishing a foundation for a universal basic income system.

With automation and AI, soon there will be very little paid work for humans. No work, no income.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Regions of Brain Responsible for Emotional Response to Sounds and Words

I read that in an article. Dogs have similar regions.

It appears that two regions generate a positive or negative emotion to words or sounds. 

Brain is really complex...

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Roger Penrose's Cyclical Universe

Nobel Prize-winning physicist Roger Penrose's model for a cyclical universe is becoming mainstream. Theory explained in article below.

BBC: What Existed Before The Big Bang