Saturday, October 8, 2022

See Very Few Homeless In Seoul

Several decades ago, there were many homeless people in Seoul living in the streets.

About a decade or so ago, after the National Basic Living Security Act was enacted and other government policies (shelters, etc.). the number of people living in the streets dropped significantly.

Now, I have not seen any homeless people living in the streets for a year now. I saw one person last year.

Korea must be doing at least some things right, including national medical insurance for all Koreans and legal foreign residents. National medical insurance working well in Korea, even though my insurance payments went up this year. Supposedly earned a lot more than usual last year.

If I were North Korea, I would shoot missiles too, but maybe not develop nuclear weapons. South Korea, United Nations Command and the US hold periodically training exercises to show their overwhelming military superiority over North Korea, and test out weapons all the time.

If North Korea were less authoritarian, Kim Jong-un would likely be deposed in short order. Same for Xi, Putin and other authoritarian leaders. Free speech, dissent and liberal democracy are the greatest threats to their rule. 

Just reflecting. President Yoon seems to be intent on stomping out any opposition and dissent, especially from labor unions. Acting like ___ ? 

Yoon administration’s trouble with freedom of expression

Yoon is on the news EVERY DAY stating obvious things and most media reports on Yoon are almost always very favorable. Reminds me of North Korea, for some reason.

Yoon bashing. Good for relieving stress resulting from Yoon's actions and words. Rhetorical revenge is sweet.

Despite denials from the president's office that Yoon used cuss words and subsequent media blitz trying to limit damage from the incident, 70% of Koreans feel that Yoon should apologize.

70% of Koreans think Yoon should apologize for hot mic gaffe

Korean media is reporting on drug arrests and condemning drug use almost daily, while even Japan and other Asian countries are looking to legalize medical marijuana.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Large Credit Card Bill Surprise

My credit card bill was so large, I checked the items. Forgot a donation to UNHCR for the flooding disaster in Pakistan using my credit card, in addition to monthly contributions direct from my account. 

Most large companies, in Korea and elsewhere, donate and encourage employees to donate to charity. 

Take time to look at the good side of life. Good living.

Alzheimer’s Disease Development

Study Finds Decreased Proteins – Not Amyloid Plaques – Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

The article states "The research found that people can remain cognitively normal regardless of the amount of amyloid plaques in their brains as long as they maintain a baseline level of soluble amyloid-beta in the brain above 270 picograms per milliliter."

In other words, low levels of soluble amyloid-beta result in dementia 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

South Korea's National Basic Living Security Act


"The purpose of this Act is to ensure a minimum standard of living for the deprived and help them support themselves by furnishing them with the required benefits."

People earning less than around $1,200 a month are eligible to receive partial government assistance for living expenses, medical bills, rent, and education.

I guess they passed this act in 2012. 

But some people fell through this safety net and committed suicide, so they have revised the eligibility rules a few times.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Guess Prez Yoon Is Pissed

Yoon has not been able to fill many ministerial positions since his inauguration.

He just appointed the most ultra-radical anti-labor right winger as head of the Economic, Social and Labor Council (minister level) and a similar narrow-minded advocate for private education for Education minister. They must go through parliamentary hearings, but Yoon can override any objections and appoint them. 

All the prior candidates had scandals or other skeletons in the closet revealed during parliamentary hearings on their appointments and withdrew, were withdrawn, or forced to leave office after a short while.

Taking revenge on the Korean public for his low approval rating, again at 24%? 

The low rating is despite all the media reporting hourly on the 'great accomplishments' of his visits to England, US and Canada, as well as other propaganda from the president's office. 

Could be appointing radicals to deflect attention from him and his wife? All the opposition parties, teachers, labor unions, and parents will be focusing their attention and wrath on the two candidates.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Too Early For Universal Basic Income?

Then there should at least have some form of basic subsistence insurance where coupons, services, or money are given to subsidize people who cannot afford food or rent based on their income. 

There are some similar programs in Europe. 

In Korea, there is around a $200 a month basic pension for people with no income. The pension system was established in 1986 and it was not mandatory for companies until much later. So, there is a problem with a lot of old people without pensions, living in poverty and ignored by society.

Maybe, there types of programs may become more widespread in the future against almost certain conservative opposition. 

Conservatives are not only against socialism but also seem to be against society as socialism and society are intertwined.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Cutting Taxes In Hopes That Businesses Will Reinvest?

If people were serious about cutting taxes so that businesses and the rich would reinvest the money into people and businesses, then there would be a condition attached to the tax break stating that the increased income would be used to fund productive investments to raise employment, foster businesses and positively contribute to the economy. 

But they always allow the corporations and the rich to do as they wish with the money. Always a loophole!

Cut taxes and hope for a trickle down effect? The Korean conservative party routinely cuts taxes and states that it will promote investment and employment. Hasn't worked yet. Mostly used to buy up all the available real estate, artwork, collectibles, luxuries and stuff. Only the rich get richer.

Trump's tax cuts didn't result in increased investment by companies or the rich.