Friday, September 30, 2022

Guess Prez Yoon Is Pissed

Yoon has not been able to fill many ministerial positions since his inauguration.

He just appointed the most ultra-radical anti-labor right winger as head of the Economic, Social and Labor Council (minister level) and a similar narrow-minded advocate for private education for Education minister. They must go through parliamentary hearings, but Yoon can override any objections and appoint them. 

All the prior candidates had scandals or other skeletons in the closet revealed during parliamentary hearings on their appointments and withdrew, were withdrawn, or forced to leave office after a short while.

Taking revenge on the Korean public for his low approval rating, again at 24%? 

The low rating is despite all the media reporting hourly on the 'great accomplishments' of his visits to England, US and Canada, as well as other propaganda from the president's office. 

Could be appointing radicals to deflect attention from him and his wife? All the opposition parties, teachers, labor unions, and parents will be focusing their attention and wrath on the two candidates.

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Too Early For Universal Basic Income?

Then there should at least have some form of basic subsistence insurance where coupons, services, or money are given to subsidize people who cannot afford food or rent based on their income. 

There are some similar programs in Europe. 

In Korea, there is around a $200 a month basic pension for people with no income. The pension system was established in 1986 and it was not mandatory for companies until much later. So, there is a problem with a lot of old people without pensions, living in poverty and ignored by society.

Maybe, there types of programs may become more widespread in the future against almost certain conservative opposition. 

Conservatives are not only against socialism but also seem to be against society as socialism and society are intertwined.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Cutting Taxes In Hopes That Businesses Will Reinvest?

If people were serious about cutting taxes so that businesses and the rich would reinvest the money into people and businesses, then there would be a condition attached to the tax break stating that the increased income would be used to fund productive investments to raise employment, foster businesses and positively contribute to the economy. 

But they always allow the corporations and the rich to do as they wish with the money. Always a loophole!

Cut taxes and hope for a trickle down effect? The Korean conservative party routinely cuts taxes and states that it will promote investment and employment. Hasn't worked yet. Mostly used to buy up all the available real estate, artwork, collectibles, luxuries and stuff. Only the rich get richer.

Trump's tax cuts didn't result in increased investment by companies or the rich.

Korean Journalists Dispute Claims Denying President Cursing

S. Korean presidential office press pool says hot mic footage “not distorted or edited”


"A statement by video journalists claims that the presidential office asked if the press could “do something” so that the footage would not be released."

“Instead, we became aware of the content [of the footage] because the [presidential office’s] external affairs department asked us to check the footage,” the reporters stated.

“Upon checking the footage, the external affairs department asked us if we could ‘do something’ about it so that it would not be reported, but the video journalists did not accept this request and it was decided that each broadcasting company would make their own choice of whether or not to report on the remarks.” 

The ruling conservative party promised to take action against the journalist and employer Munwha Broadcasting Company (MBC).

Ruling party lawmakers to take legal measures against MBC TV over Yoon's hot mic report

Yoon’s office, ruling party step up offensive against MBC

A commentator on a Korean news channel stated that it is unlikely legal charges will be filed since it would be hard to get any kind of conviction. LOL. 

The conservative party filed charges against the head of MBC, and are pressuring and slandering MBC.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

US To Deploy Hypersonic Weapon System

US Navy sends its most advanced surface warship to east Asia

The CNN article states USS Zumwalt will be upgraded next year to accommodate the Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB), a weapons system that uses a booster rocket motor to fire missiles at hypersonic speed.

A missile defense system utilizing hypersonic missiles would be ideal for Korea's defense, much better than the THAAD system that Prez Yoon wants to buy for some unknown reason.

I read that that integrating THAAD's radar system with a new missile system is probably a good idea.

Wow! Hypersonic missiles have arrived. I know China and Russia demonstrated hypersonic missiles, but I doubt that they are as sophisticated and reliable as the American ones. 

Soon, the US should be able to destroy nuclear missiles right within a few minutes after launch. Cool.

Monday, September 26, 2022

Conservative News Criticizing Prez Yoon?

An article in the usually staunchly conservative Korea Herald reported the truth on Yoon's supposed summit with Japan's prime minister at the UN. 

Critics tear into Yoon for 'ill-planned' Kishida meeting

According to the article, the Korean government called the brief 30 minute meeting as an "informal summit" and the Japanese government as a "meeting." The article also cited Professor Lee Young-chae of Keisen University in Tokyo as stating Japan had no need to hold a summit, but they think they will eventually be able to get something from South Korea by accepting the Yoon administration’s request.”

While Korea media parrots Yoon's claims that the summit with Kishida repaired relations with Japan and was meaningful, the article states that many people feel that the meeting was completely unnecessary, ill-prepared and achieved nothing.

Korean Prez Blames President Moon's Administration For Former President Park's Decisions

Prez Yoon has been blaming former President Moon's administration for policy towards China with regards to the THAAD missile defense system.

A report in Hankyoreh (Outmoded as security system, THAAD retains rhetorical utility in Korea) stated as follows:

"Not only that, but the “three noes” are not “pledges” that the Moon Jae-in administration made, as Beijing has described them. They’re a military policy that has been in place since the Park Geun-hye administration. 

It was the Park administration that declared from the time of the deployment controversy in 2016 that THAAD was “not a US missile defense system.” And it was the US Defense Department and USFK that affirmed that THAAD radar was “not monitoring China.”

In its efforts to denounce the Moon administration’s “capitulations to Beijing” and condemn it for a military policy that had existed since the time the conservatives were in office, the Yoon administration has been twisting the facts."

And most Korean news media promote Yoon's claims that the Moon administration implemented the THAAD policy with regards to China, when it was former President Park Geun-hye's administration that started the policy. Completely distorting history and facts.

Yoon states that he will install more THAAD systems in Korea, but THAAD will soon be outdated and both Korea and the US military are planning other more appropriate defense systems for Korea. THAAD is not ideal for defense of Korea. It is more effective as early warning for US missile defense systems.

Korea receives no data from THAAD or has any say in their operation. Why does Yoon want them? It is mainly for defense from long range missiles. Korea is a short range from China and North Korea, not long range. Pretty ignorant.