Socialism and inflation?
If inflation rose 50%, I would lose a lot of money, but many more would lose tens of billions.
That's why inflation is so important to the establishment. Inflation at 10% a year for a lifetime plus socialist policies should wipe out most fortunes, unless the money was invested productively.
But if inflation rises, then food becomes too expensive for the poor? BS. If most people can't buy it, then according to capitalism, the price should fall (demand, supply, price). Did people starve in Argentina when inflation was like 1000%? Probably, but not so many as to make it newsworthy.
Both nightmares are coming soon! Hoping for anything to solve poverty which should not exist if people really were religious, or 'good at heart'.
Are there taxes on wealth? Just income, property, VAT, import, export, but no wealth tax. Wonder why?
People have a lot of wealth in art, collectibles, jewelry, stocks, and such which are not taxed if they do not sell or inherit it (supposedly). It is wealth that could be better put to use for other urgently needed social purposes.
Some may argue what about artists, artisans, and companies that issue stock? Will they be affected somewhat, excesses sort of reigned in?
Should wealth be taxed in order to have it flow towards other avenues, hopefully socially oriented ones?
If nothing is done, the trend towards assets that aren't taxed will only grow and problems will worsen. There needs to be policies to reverse this trend, but traditional media and establishment may never push for such actions.
Many rich Korean acquaintances buy stuff (art, collectibles, jewelry, gold, currency) and give it to their offspring without declaring it and other trickery. Certainly goes on elsewhere.
Kinda seems like sleight of hand on humans. Everyone focusing on getting richer, while something is happening that we should be aware of.
Another thought. People acquire excessive wealth to be different from, maybe even above, regular people? Wealthy people tend to brag and show off? Will they stand in line with or sit next to a regular person?
Should poor or even middle class people, cast their votes for the wealthy and their sycophants? Wonder if over 50% of the population will eventually vote to take from the rich and give to the poor?