Monday, March 25, 2019

Fright of Death Causing Early Death?

I would put money on it.

Being too scared to contemplate death in depth, usually for years or decades before coming to terms with it, could cause life to become less meaningful and satisfying. Living too fast syndrome.

I believe we all die, but some essence continues to exist. Something beyond consciousness, or the essence of consciousness.  Eternal existence in some form, but most likely not personal and nothing like human existence. Maybe some type of energy or dimension.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Trump, Kim Summit. What REALLY Happened?

In my imagination -

There was a deal in place to sign, but Trump confronted Kim and stated that if he signed the agreement, then Kim would still have all the nuclear facilities that he was hiding in secret and were not addressed in the proposed deal. He then told Kim that if the agreement was amended to include all nuclear related facilities and weapons, he would sign. Kim refused.

Kim left North Korea amid great fanfare. He was ready to sign a deal, probably one in which he thought he had pulled one over the Americans. In contrast, Trump kept stating that he was in no hurry over the deal, before, during, and after the summit. Kim was overheard on Korean TV stating that they were in a rush, in response to Trump saying that he was in no hurry.

If I were the CIA and wanted to teach Kim a lesson for trying to pull a fast one, this would be a very promising scenario.

I prefer my version over all the others in the media.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Egg, Chicken?

What is all the controversy about? Everyone cognitively dissonant?

Egg came before the chicken, from an evolutionary perspective.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Physics Only Covers Physical Phenomena

How does physics explain the pyramids? Or writing?

Are the pyramids real? Is writing real? Are the meaning of words real?

A person wanted to build a tomb. It started as a thought. Are thoughts real? Are they part of the "real" world?

Physics only describes and explains what can be physically tested.

Maybe, we need to start teaching metaphysics like they used to do in the old days. Philosophy is okay, but we need to place more emphasis on it and expand.  What discoveries await? World changing? Dimension changing? Can it be patented?

What Is God?

To me? Some metaphysical thing, phenomenon, and/or dimension related to meaning and good. Mostly having little to do with religion.

Some thing taught me how to avoid cognitive dissonance. How? By avoiding lying (not speaking and mostly listening are essential). By avoiding thoughts of wealth, power, envy, righteousness, pride and other destructive influences. Getting your hands dirty and clean. Things that Jesus touched upon.

This thing also helped to come to terms with death, among other things. Most are scared to death of death and live/die accordingly.

Friday, December 7, 2018

Sunday, November 4, 2018

What If There Was Some Thing Like A God, And Everyone But You Knew?

Just kidding. Maybe only a few people knew because of people's misconceived impressions from religious Gods.

A God that can give you nothing direct in the way of material things, but lots of metaphysical things.

Metaphysical things? Yes., things that are, in most part, not physical. Like the knowledge that most things are not two dimensional, but are multidimensional and in most cases constantly changing. Be given motivation to do good things. Be mostly happy with most things the way they usually are.