Thursday, November 17, 2016

List Of Arrested In President Park, Choi Soon-sil Scandal

The prosecutors are rumored to have decided to put President Park in Choi Soon-sil's indictment as an accomplice.

People arrested, so far, are below;

Ms. Choi Soon-sil
Mr. Cha Eun-taek
Mr. An Chong-bum (Presidential Aide)
Mr. Jeong Ho-seong (Presidential Aide)
Ms. Choi Si-ho (niece of Ms. Choi Soon-sil)

The prosecutors just applied for an arrest warrant for Kim Chong ex-Vice Minister of Culture.

Expect this list to grow in the coming weeks.

Every time some scandal happens that is close to her, President Park has almost always ordered a thorough investigation and strict punishment on those involved. She does this to distance herself from the spotlight.

When the Choi Soon-sil scandal broke out, she did this. Now, the Lee Yeong-bok scandal, she says the same thing. Eventually, it will probably be revealed that people around President Park were involved.

The ruling party is talking about imposing martial law. What a joke! They are doing their best to deflect attention.

Ewha University Students Were Right

Ewha University students had demonstrated for months demanding the resignation of the University President for all sorts of things.

After the Choi Soon-sil scandal started, the Ministry of Education started investigations into Ewha University in late October. The results were just announced on TV.

It confirmed that Chung Yu-ra (Choi Soon-sil's youngest daughter) received special favors that allowed her to be accepted and that professors had given her good grades when she had never taken any classes and rarely submitted homework or took tests. The Ministry is taking punitive actions against university, asking that her admission be cancelled, and asking for criminal actions be taken against the professors and administrators implicated.

Chung illegally admitted to Ewha

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dun Worry, If Park Refuses To Leave

Eventually, no one will listen to her. Probably end up sealing her in the Blue House.

Gotta feeling that most people in government don't want to follow her orders or policies.

People on TV news are now saying that the circumstantial evidence points to the following scenario:

President Park meets with group chairman, the group's immediate problems are resolved favorably, Choi and her gang collect money from the groups, with President Park seeming to give directions. Repeat 8 or more times. Pay little or don't cooperate, and then the group or group chairman runs into bad luck.

They say it will be hard to prove, but there is so much circumstantial evidence that it might be possible, even if they all deny it.

Too bad Korean prosecutors don't grant immunity to witnesses. If they did, even to just one person, they will have enough evidence to put people away for a long time.

Hope the people keep on being positive and peaceful.

Vietnam Voices: President Park should publicly apologize for South Korea’s sexual violence in Vietnam

What Was President Park Doing For 7 Hours During The Sewol Ferry Tragedy

During the Sewol Ferry sinking in 2014, President Park appeared on television 7 hours after the sinking was reported and asked if it was so hard to find the students when they were wearing life vests.

All Koreans knew that the students were trapped and couldn't get out from TV. Why didn't President Park know?

People asked, investigations were carried out and obstructed by the ruling party.

President Park avoided all questions on what she was doing that day. Officials were questioned and they said they didn't know what she was doing, or that it was classified.

Rumors were rampant that President Park probably received cosmetic surgery during the tragedy and didn't hear about the tragedy until 7 hours after it started.

Through recent search warrants related to the Choi Soon-sil case, it was found that Ms. Choi secretly visited a medical clinic in the place of President Park and got prescriptions for Glutathione. A military nurse administered the injections to the President.

Joonang Daily News: Park got $127,820 in free health and beauty treatments

The Blue House (Presidential residence) officially stated that no outsiders or medical vehicles entered the compound on that day. The spokesman said that he asked the President directly and she replied that the rumors are completely false.

It was just announced today that after searching the records, it was found that the nurse entered the Blue House on the day of the Sewol Ferry tragedy.

The Blue House just announced that there are no records showing the nurse entered the Blue House. This conflicts with the military hospital records which state that she did.

Now, we know why she and the ruling party kept stonewalling the simple question, what were you doing that day? Yet, she feels no shame.

President Park refuses to step down and is planning to try to raise her popularity. She is inviting impeachment fully knowing that it will take almost a year, at which time her term will be nearly over.

She lied to the people about her willingness to be questioned, her relationship with Choi Soon-sil, what she was doing the day of the Sewol tragedy and more. Yet, she doesn't seem to remember that she lied and did these things. Geez!

Legally, "unfit to serve" doesn't refer only to physical health, but also mental.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Korean Prosecutors vs. President Park

On SBS TV News, they reported that the notebook belonging to ex-Presidential Secretary Ahn Jong-bom (arrested), which was taken from the Blue House under a search warrant, was full of notes recording what President Park ordered him to do, including firing people and raising funds.

The prosecutors never released or leaked the contents of the notebook, until now.

Why? President Park said that she would accept questioning in the Choi Soon-sil case, but her lawyer is refusing to let her be questioned. The prosecutors need to question her by today in order to indict Choi Soon-sil by Saturday, the deadline for detention without formal charges. The lead prosecutor said that if President Park accepts questioning by Friday, it would be alright., The prosecutors are leaking information to pressure President Park. They are saying we have enough evidence, if you do not want to defend yourself, okay. We will leak more information.

In another leak, another Presidential Secretary, also under arrest, recorded his phone calls with President Park and Choi Soon-sil. In one recording, President Park asks him if he got Teacher Choi's approval. He was using a burner phone.

President Park Ordered Legal Action Against Critical Media?

Notes allegedly taken by Kim Young-han, the late senior presidential secretary for civil affairs (the same person is alleged to have given the tablet PC to Choi Soon-sil full of classified information and emails) appear to show that the Blue House ordered legal attacks against media outlets critical of the Park administration's influence peddling scandal in 2014.

She won't step down and neither will the people. How long before someone dies? If someone does die, she is responsible, in my eyes.

Even the traditionally conservative media have turned on her now.

Korea Herald editorial: Park should tell the truth and wait for people’s verdict

SNS Surveillance By Korean Government

A house was raided and searched after someone posted on a Korean SNS site that he was going to bring a gun to the protests (Koreans aren't allowed to own guns, except for hunting and it has to be stored at a police station).

Many Koreans feel that the Internet and phones are tapped.

What happens if you oppose President Park? You could be labelled a North Korean sympathizer and ostracized. 

Another popular nominee for the Special Prosecutor job to investigate the Choi Soon-sil scandal and President Park's role is Chae Dong-wook, the ex-Attorney General who was forced to resign after he disclosed that his superior was biased against the opposition parties and was obstructing an investigation into the Korean NSA's involvement in spreading mass propaganda against the opposition using SNS accounts and agents, just before the last Presidential elections in which Park won by a slight 1 or 2% majority. There were also false last minute accusations about sympathizing and kowtowing to North Koreans by ex-President Noh (which damaged the opposition candidate Moon Jae-in reputation since he was the Chief Secretary to President Noh). The ruling party somehow got the classified records from the Korean NSA and deliberately misinterpreted words and statements. They also put them out of context. No one could confirm or deny, since the records are secret. Only a few people know what went on. Moon repeatedly said that the allegations were false, but the ruling party drowned him out and President Park won. Bummer.

In the news, this morning, the Blue House announced that stepping down from the Presidency is unconstitutional. What in the world? These people are deranged.

Giving your friend special favors and appointing her friends to posts where they embezzled money, letting her friends see classified documents and more is unconstitutional. Having such a president remain in power is unconstitutional.

Yesterday, students from 15 universities marched in four areas of Seoul and were joined by regular citizens.