Monday, May 2, 2011

Who Started This Nonsense

Starting a new movement against "I don't think".
Who started all this "I don't think this", "I don't think that".
It should be "I doubt..." or "I am thinking that something is not..."
People keeping saying, "I don't think..." and act accordingly.
Cognitive dissonance everywhere. Wonder if I am getting through...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In One's Mind

Separating God's thoughts from one's thoughts, then one knows.
God shows through dimensions of good and thoughts, in contrast with sound waves. hehe.
God speaks more through thoughts, less through sound.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Metaphysics 102

In a sense, believing is seeing in the metaphysical world and seeing is believing in the physical world.

Can living in the "real" world be limited by intelligence, or beliefs?

The Modern Metaphysicist

Friday, April 22, 2011

Circle Dot or Source

In Korean 원점 means source. Separately, 원 means circle and 점 means dot. Hmm...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Jesus Way

The way of Jesus is the way to God.
The way of Jesus is the road to God.
The way to Jesus is the way to God.
The road to Jesus is the way of God.

One is certain Jesus always tries to be good to every one. Being calm, reasonable, understanding. Above it all, in all ways. Read somewhere that Jesus raised his voice and such. Must have been under a lot of stress. Or, most likely an inaccurate recollection of the facts. Tainted by humanity.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Quantum dimensions, physical dimensions, conscious dimensions?


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Groups Of Dimensions. God?

One theory in physics predicts 26 dimensions. On a sub-atomic scale, gravitational forces can be stronger than the electro-magnetic forces.

Still thinking...