Thursday, September 11, 2008

We Are Just Hosts?

That's what I read in a science magazine just now. Language is evolving and humans are just hosts. Good perspective. I like. Maybe, language is the host. Or knowledge?

Language wants to be passed on and so does knowledge. Yeah!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Always God Day (Time)

Or it should be, anyway.

Hard to explain just through words. If there are certain thoughts and experiences in the reader, then they get it.

A blog is a ton of thoughts.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

God Is Equal

It seems that way, yes? From God, yes. From our standpoints, no.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sometimes I Think

Maybe only God gives a hoot about it ALL.

Prefer to be myself with God. I like to play with and take care of my family, but I really prefer to be alone thinking and looking.

(A Twisted Narrative)

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Suppose meals are prepared by the husband who also takes care of the children, the groceries and the dishes. The husband works two jobs. Would the family eat out? The wife and children would most likely very rarely eat out.
Suppose a father gave his son plenty of money to save and some to spend. Would there come a time when the son would refuse money from the father? Most likely sooner than one would expect.
Suppose it was the child's responsibility to study on their own and be responsible for their actions. Would they study and be responsible?

Preferences, or one's location and thus perception of the world is different. This includes physical, metaphysical and other locations.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What Would God Say?

Words, thoughts, concepts, visions, hope? All?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Write Down Thoughts

Are the thoughts in tune with God? What! How does one do that? Is it possible?