Saturday, April 19, 2008

Google Theory 101

Reading my thoughts through my words.
Reading my/God's/your thoughts through my words.
Reading my thoughts through my/God's/your words.

What do I do for 102?

Looking East. Running On Empty. Jackson Browne.


A Muse.

Just a normal guy.
As a kid, went to church with mom.
Junior High, visited some mosques.
Senior High, went to mass.
Early Adult, visited some temples and God.
Now, by God.

Too soft on people. Push Over. Pretty Shy.
Rather think than speak. Real Impatient.

Feel My Thoughts

Through my words? Metaphysical finger?
Summer Breeze. Isley Brothers. Upside Down. Jack Johnson.

Even for me, knowing God fades in and out.
Especially, near from negative entities.
New Sensation. Suicide Blond. INXS. Caravan Of Love. Isley Brothers.

Must've made a mistake. But where? May be, I shouldn't have given that guy the finger.

My parents must have been real good people. They "went back" (Korean for "pass a way") quite a while back.
The Pretender. Before The Deluge. Jackson Browne.

Don't Get Me Wrong

I have waited a loooooong long time. Believe me. At least...
But I am pretty pretty sure, it is up to you.

Atlantis. Catch The Wind. Donovan.
Don't Stop. Dreams. Fleetwood Mac. Everywhere. Family Man. Landslide. Man Of The World. Monday Morning.

All Right All Ready. Love Good Religions, Good Beliefs. Ask God? Over My Head. Fleetwood Mac.

Okay. Here's what we do. We can blame it on God. No? Why not?

Thought this was heaven. Having second thoughts. Could be Hell.
Living After Midnight. Judas Priest.

Friday, April 18, 2008

चत्वारि आर्यसत्यानि

Buddhism. The Four Noble Truths.

From Wikipedia:
"Now this ... is the noble truth of the way leading to the cessation of suffering: it is the Noble Eightfold Path; that is, right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration." Right should be translated as Good.

You're A Friend Of Mine - Clarence Clemons. Jackson Browne.
Even after you die... I could be lying. I am Every Man.

Read about Metaphysics? Thomas Aquinas? Aristotle? Avicenna? Ibn Sīnā?

Teach Your Children - CSNY.
Breakfast At Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something.
Garota De Ipanema - Deodato.


Knowledge is Truths?

Well, All Right. Blind Faith.


Take all Spirits. Leave no One.

Ever read "Dune". Gone to my Head.
God's All Right. God's everything. Don't worry. They even have a Theory of Everything.

We are life and knowledge and a part of God and exist forever? Puts things in Perspective.
Peaceful Easy Feeling. Eagles.

Ever say "High" to God? What? Spelling? Oh.
Every say "Hi" to God? Well, did you?

God, I keep getting phone calls. I manage not to answer, but...
What should I do? Holy Shit! Where?