Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Listened To God

The Kinks - Victoria. You Really Got Me
The Manhattans - Shining Star
Weather Report - Barbary Coast. Birdland. Charlie Brown

Remember music is a part of God. Listen. At times.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Medicine? God?


I'm sure conscience has a lot to do with health. Especially mental health. One can say more in short sentences, some times.

Show Your Belief

In God, Shine.

Or wear a cross. Or at least be nice to people.

Lot of troubles in this world. Did your presidents directly and pro-actively create or promote these troubles? Why blame them? Do they look like they want to find a solution? Then help them. Shine. Blame the "right" person. In all the meanings.

Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now. Don't Worry, Be Happy. Fundamental Reggae. Hard Road To Travel

Please read the first post.

Monday, July 9, 2007

I Came To Meet

God, I said. Once. To a real person. I wanted to meet God's spirit. Talked to me of writing his tombstone through his daily actions. I said every thing remains. Talked of writing my experiences and gardening. Told me to take care of my children's education.

He believes God. Was, then, just diagnosed with cancer. Still healthy after surgery. Shows people he believes in God. Real honest guy. I promised to go to church once in a while. I sneak in at nights. So far.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

What Would You Leave

To Remind Oneself You Were Here?

Seven Wonders? Books? Internet? Spirits?

Jesus. We live! Metaphysically. And through spirits, we can meet physically. Brings shapeshifting to a new light. The limitations of language and understanding! Mostly self-imposed.

Hey, Big Brother. Could you lend a spirit and more? Already did? It's up to you.

Others, please read the first post.

Fear of God is real. So is God.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Living Life

Through Others.

I live a good part of my life through others' lives. Through their insights and consciousness. Am I a spirit?

Friday, July 6, 2007

Only Good?

Be nice to people, grow food for people, prepare food for people. Clean the environment. Be neat. Try to talk about God.

Can your consciousness rub off on your son or daughter?

Jimmy Cliff - A Hard Road To Travel. I Can See Clearly Now
Dave Brubeck - Take Five