Friday, February 2, 2007


Can you use other dimensions to travel through space and time? Let me know your thoughts. No need to write. Just know.

How Did I Do This?

By being myself. Doing and being good.

YB Good.

What am I saying?! It was God.


We are life. None existed on this planet. It was just elements and stuff. Water and then us. I think. Now, how do you explain this to people without quantum physics and stuff?

That's why, throughout history, the people who wanted to pass on their knowledge couldn't explain this to non-believers. And so on...

I Agree Now

Probably will take about 6 years. Even with all the scientific evidence.

Opinion Poll

Okay, be that way. If you don't believe, please send comment.


Hey, stop polluting my "space".

SEE! What did I tell you!

I knew it. I'm definitely not that smart. No way! Being used again!