Thursday, February 1, 2007


We are knowledge and good thought. The more knowledge or resonance or good thoughts you aborb/acquire/create, the more good energy you have. Sort of. If you have more of something, then there is less of another. God made it that way.


I got another one. Thought circles. We are good thought circles. I think. Could be.


Questioner of God?
Believer of/in God?
Knower of God?
Questions God?
Knows God?
Is Crazy?
Or All?

Answer? Any One? Bill Gough, I believe I love God now. God, gave me everything. Well, everything I know. I think. God? Come back here.

More Emails

My email server is down! Send link to yb-zero to Every Good One. Anonymously, if you want. But that would mean you do not believe and do not know. See you.

The Curse of Ignorance

by Arthur Findlay

"There are two ways of life, one leading to righteousness, which brings happiness, and the other to unrighteousness, which produces misery. One leads to kindness, mercy and sympathy, the other to hatred and cruelty; one to tolerance and the other to intolerance; one to justice and the other to injustice; one to truth and the other to error; one to peace and concord and the other to quarrelling and war; one to mental development and the other to mental contraction.
One is the Secular way (non religious) and the other is the Theological (religious); one is the Democratic and the other the Despotic; one is the sane and the other the insane."

But Art, please know that there is a God. Religion and knowing God. Any connection? Some, some not. Good is closest to God, religion is next.

Another Believer

A Good lawyer! And I thought they were all materialistic. Shame on me.


When I look at Nature and the known Universe.