That would assume that the mass entering the black hole is exiting somewhere. That would probably mean that the black hole cannot indefinitely grow in mass and would lose mass eventually.
Maybe the wormhole is created only after the black hole has reached a certain mass, or the rate that mass is ejected out is slow enough to make detection almost impossible. Could be both.
Might take generations, or close to forever, to observe any loss of mass in black holes, while black holes gaining mass have already been observed.
Maybe the mass inside black holes are slowly being turned into something else that can escape gravity, some thing other than "Hawking radiation".
Does it take energy to create "space" or "time"? Maybe space-time and energy are inseparable...
Photons have no mass, yet cannot escape the gravity of black holes. Why? Photons have zero rest mass (when they are not moving relative to the observer). But by definition, they are moving very fast, so they have mass.
So, if photons are stuck inside a black hole, they achieve zero rest mass and cease to exist? What happens to their energy? Maybe they continue to zip around inside the black hole?
Does thought have mass? If thought is only the total of chemical and electrical processes, then indirectly, yes.
Also, what is God? Some thing mostly beyond our comprehension as many religions state?
Many people avoid deep thought? In many cases, yes. But why? Cognitive dissonance?
Religions say that God is, is the source of, or gives knowledge. Could be all of those...
Ever notice how "bad" people avoid deep or serious thought and tend to contradict themselves? Cognitive dissonance can do that.
Is it evidence of a God, or a natural law?