Thursday, December 1, 2011

Physical Dimensions vs. Metaphysical Dimensions

Prisms divide Light.

Intelligence divides the Light of God, so that one can see how God colors life.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Black Light?

Maybe some thing is giving off Black Light.

Light can be lightwaves and photons. Maybe, Black Light can be Dark Energy (Black Lightwaves) and Dark Matter (Blacklight photons)?

Gotta write a sci-fi novel someday...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Invisible Boundaries

Are you in control of your thoughts, or do your thoughts control you?
Heaven and Earth?

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Thought Type

Agent and Experience?
Action and Reaction?

Type thoughts?

Friday, September 30, 2011

God Is All Ways Right?

God + Physical dimensions = Life?
Thought + Physical dimensions = Creation = God?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hyper-priming Senses?

Read articles which stated that ganja hyper-primes perception, so that relations can be made between seemingly unrelated phenomenon. Also that it loosens thoughts, and increases creativity.

Does it also alter perception, and gives one a different perspective which helps to perceive things with a little more focus?

People have always crucified the righteous. Jesus, for example.

Everyone sort of dreads working with Mr. Perfect Good Guy? Why? They definitely sense the righteous. Without any prior interaction, they are really hostile.

Take Everything Away

What is left?

Is one spending time with friends and family, but less with God?
Does one spend more time with friends and family, or with God?
To be with God is to be all one with God? Alone by God?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Language of God?

Truth? Logic? Sincerity? Goodwill?

The language of God is secret to some, yet common sense to others.
All speak the language of God to some extent, knowingly and unknowingly.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Get Rid of Negative Religions

With memes and tapping fingers. Very pacifist.
Rasta is positively good?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How To Find God?

By thought? Through thought?

Think about something and keep thinking. Gradually see what God says.

Nothing from something? Reality.
Something from nothing? Impossibility?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Competition? The One and I?

One Ferrari. If one gets it, the other gets zero. Zero is the same shape as O. O also is the first letter for One. Without zero, where would one be?

Resonations from God? Most can see, yet are blind.

These thoughts are hidden. Hard to think about. In fact, most run away from thinking about death, life, God. Scares them to death. Literally. ^^

If God could, God would. God exists, yet there are other laws. God always existed. How could God create God? When some say God created everything, that is what they are implying.

God can do much, but only according to laws of nature.
Could Jesus (by God) cloud people's minds? Is God, the One?

Friday, June 17, 2011


Only God knows?
Knowing only God? Beside God?
All of the above?
Always a mixture of answers. Fluctuating in many dimensions. Appearance is dependent on the perspective. Believing is seeing.

Must be God. God flashing thoughts...

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Structure? Meaning/Logic? Knowledge?
Seeing the unknown can only be by God.

Lines of thought. Surrounded by a multitude of dimensions. Time. Meaning. God. Groups of Dimensions.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Who Started This Nonsense

Starting a new movement against "I don't think".
Who started all this "I don't think this", "I don't think that".
It should be "I doubt..." or "I am thinking that something is not..."
People keeping saying, "I don't think..." and act accordingly.
Cognitive dissonance everywhere. Wonder if I am getting through...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

In One's Mind

Separating God's thoughts from one's thoughts, then one knows.
God shows through dimensions of good and thoughts, in contrast with sound waves. hehe.
God speaks more through thoughts, less through sound.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Metaphysics 102

In a sense, believing is seeing in the metaphysical world and seeing is believing in the physical world.

Can living in the "real" world be limited by intelligence, or beliefs?

The Modern Metaphysicist

Friday, April 22, 2011

Circle Dot or Source

In Korean 원점 means source. Separately, 원 means circle and 점 means dot. Hmm...

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Jesus Way

The way of Jesus is the way to God.
The way of Jesus is the road to God.
The way to Jesus is the way to God.
The road to Jesus is the way of God.

One is certain Jesus always tries to be good to every one. Being calm, reasonable, understanding. Above it all, in all ways. Read somewhere that Jesus raised his voice and such. Must have been under a lot of stress. Or, most likely an inaccurate recollection of the facts. Tainted by humanity.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Quantum dimensions, physical dimensions, conscious dimensions?


Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Groups Of Dimensions. God?

One theory in physics predicts 26 dimensions. On a sub-atomic scale, gravitational forces can be stronger than the electro-magnetic forces.

Still thinking...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Vicente Fox

Agree with him on legalizing drugs to end war. Maybe, just restoration of legality to plants and fungi might be better?

Roadhouse Blues - The Doors
Superstition, Happy Birthday - Steve Wonder
Charlie Brown, Birdland - Weather Report
Sunshine In The Music - Jimmy Cliff
Latin Flute - Eumir Deodato

Monday, January 17, 2011

Information/Structure/Order and Consciousness

Are they dimensions?

Back In The High Life Again - Steve Winwood.
Moral high life. Searching for flower adults.